1. Advice and Information -

    A list of community organisations that work with Roma in London.
  2. News -

    Healthwatch Bromley is recruiting volunteers. Make this an opportunity to build your community.
  3. Report -

    A statutory function of Healthwatch Bromley is to provide information and signposting to residents on health and social care services. Based on our intelligence we identified diabetes as one area of focus for our work.
  4. Report -

    The Cancer Information and Support Survey was a local project run by Healthwatch Bromley. The project aimed to identify and understand trends in the support needs of people, and their loved ones, living with or beyond different types of cancer.
  5. Advice and Information -

    Primary care is made up of the GP, practice nurse, high street pharmacist, along with other clinicians working in your GP surgery to support you when you first feel poorly or are concerned about your physical or mental health. Watch this video to get information on how services are working and the best way to get the care you need.
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    We are supporting @HealthwatchE’s campaign calling on new mums and birthing parents to share their experience of mental health support. Please help us spread the word and share our survey with your audiences.
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    You are invited to a meeting on 21 December, 12.30pm-1.30pm. Plans for the new centre will be shared and questions answered from local stakeholders and residents.
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    Healthwatch Bromley’s offices are closed from 5pm on Friday 16th December. We reopen at 9am on Tuesday 3rd January.

    Healthwatch Bromley is independent and acts as a patient champion in health and social care services. Advice and Information can be found on our website.
  9. Advice and Information -

    Find your nearest Warm Centre in Bromley Borough