1. Advice and Information -

    Your mental wellness is as important as your physical health but seeking help can be daunting. Here's what to expect when you seek support for your mental health.
  2. Report -

    Our annual report includes how we have engaged and supported people over the year. We heard from 1,883 people this year about their experiences of health and social care. We engaged with and supported approximately 2,511 people during the COVID-19 pandemic this year. We worked on and produced 11 projects and reports about the improvements people would like to see to health and social care services.
  3. News -

    Join us as we along with local health experts are holding a session, ‘Keeping Well Together this Winter’
  4. News -

    The National Learning Disabilities Senate have created five videos for people with learning disabilities coming out of lockdown. Please see below:
  5. News -

    Young people from southeast London’s LGBT+ community have experienced an array of mental health problems resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
  6. News -

    Loneliness is an issue that has affected many people during the past 15 months. There has been a consistent level of reported loneliness in England before the pandemic and the Government’s Community Life Survey has reported that 6% of all adults aged 16+ in England feel lonely often or always.
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    Community leaders from across South London invite you to the South London Listens mental health summit on Wednesday 16 June 2021 (6-8 pm) where they will present urgent actions to tackle the looming mental health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    We would like to warmly invite you and your service users to our next monthly engagement forum.
  9. News -

    Domestic abuse is when you are controlled, bullied or threatened by your partner or a family member, who wants to gain control over you.
  10. News -

    Browse the activities for Mental Health Awareness Week.
  11. News -

    NHS South East London CCG has commissioned: